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Meaning:The universe, cosmos
The name Evren is a gender-neutral name of Turkish origin, meaning "universe" or "cosmos." It is associated with the vastness and complexity of the universe itself. In Turkic mythology, Evren also refers to a gigantic snake-like dragon, adding a mythical dimension to its significance. The name carries connotations of unity and interconnectedness, reflecting the belief that everything in the universe is connected in some way source.
Famous People Named Evren
One notable individual with this name is Evren Celimli, an American composer known for his contributions to music source.
Sibling Name Ideas
For siblings of a child named Evren, you might consider names that complement its unique and universal theme. Some suggestions include:
- Archer
- Emmett
- Declan
- Soren
- Everett
- Jasper
- Caspian
- Aria
- Thea
- Lillian
- Larkin
- Wren
- Violet
These names share a modern and distinctive feel, similar to Evren source.
Similar Names
Names that are similar to Evren in sound or theme include:
- Efren
- Eren
- Everett
- Evan
- Evelyn
These names offer a variety of options for those who appreciate the sound or meaning of Evren but are looking for alternatives source.
In summary, Evren is a unique and meaningful name with deep cultural and mythological roots, making it an appealing choice for those seeking a name with universal significance.
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Yearly Ranking Change
# 1187
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