US Popularity:2597
Other Origin(s):German
The name Idalia is of Greek origin and carries the meaning "behold the sun." It is derived from Idalion, an ancient city in Cyprus, and is associated with the sun god Helios in Greek mythology. The name is also linked to the Greek goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite, as an epithet. Additionally, Idalia can have Germanic roots, where it is related to the word "idal," meaning "work" or "labor" MomJunction,
In terms of popularity, Idalia is a female name that combines the elements of Ida and Lia, and it is also recognized in Spanish culture as meaning "sun"
Famous people named Idalia are not widely documented, suggesting it may be a unique or less common name. However, its rich historical and mythological connections make it a name of significant cultural interest.
For sibling names, you might consider names that complement Idalia's Greek and mythological roots or its sunny connotations. Some ideas include:
- For sisters: Athena, Selene, Aurora, Elara
- For brothers: Apollo, Orion, Helios, Leo
Similar names to Idalia, which share either phonetic or thematic elements, include:
- Ida: A shorter form that shares the same root.
- Lia: A part of the name Idalia, offering a simpler alternative.
- Adalia: A name with a similar sound and rhythm.
- Dalia: Another name with a similar ending and sound.
These names can provide a cohesive and harmonious set of names for siblings or alternatives for those who appreciate the sound and meaning of Idalia.
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