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The name "Kasem" is a male given name with origins in both Arabic and Thai cultures. In Arabic, "Kasem" is derived from the word "qasim," meaning "one who divides" or "distributor" source. In Thai, the name is associated with meanings such as "happiness" or "pure joy," and it is popular among people of the Christian faith source.
Famous individuals with the name Kasem include Casey Kasem, an American disc jockey, music historian, radio personality, and voice actor, best known for hosting several music countdown programs.
For sibling names that complement Kasem, consider names that share similar cultural or phonetic qualities. For boys, names like "Khalil" or "Karim" might be suitable, while for girls, names such as "Khadija" or "Kaira" could be considered.
Similar names to Kasem include "Qasim," which shares the same Arabic root, and "Kasey," which has a similar phonetic sound.
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