Save to My FavoritesUS Popularity:1116
Other Origin(s):Latin
Meaning:Sincere, pure, clean, honest
The name Sincere is a modern virtue name that has gained popularity in recent years. It is primarily used as a boy's name, though it is also given to girls, albeit less frequently. The name Sincere means "honest, genuine, and heartfelt," and is derived from the Latin word sincerus, which means "pure" and "clean" source.
Sincere has its roots in English and Latin, and it is reminiscent of Puritan and Pilgrim name choices. It has been a part of the US Top 1000 names since the 2000s, reflecting its modern appeal source.
While there are no widely recognized famous individuals named Sincere, the name has been used in popular culture, such as a character in the film "Belly" source.
For those considering sibling names that complement Sincere, options include names like Kalil, Amir, Elijah, Silas, Kingston, Shawn, Damon, Samantha, Olive, Trinity, Sophia, Savannah, Inaya, and Serenity source.
Similar names to Sincere include Syncere and Cincere, which are spelling variations that maintain the same phonetic appeal and meaning source.
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