This glossary combines essential medical terms, emoticons, and widely-used acronyms to help parents and caregivers navigate the journey of pregnancy, childbirth, and baby care.
- 2WW: Two-week wait until time to take a pregnancy test (approximately 14 days after ovulation).
- AE: Alternate Ego.
- Air leak: When air leaks through holes in the lung tissue into the spaces outside the lung airways.
- AF: Aunt Flo (menstruation).
- AI: Artificial Insemination.
- AMA: Advanced maternal age.
- Alveoli: Tiny sacs that are the smallest airways of the lungs.
- AO: Anovulatory.
- AP: Adoption Process or Attachment Parenting.
- AR: Assisted Reproduction.
- Apnea: To stop breathing.
- ART: Assisted Reproductive Technology.
- Asphyxia: A general term used to describe inadequate intake of oxygen by the baby.
Emoticon |
Meaning |
:) |
Happy |
:( |
Sad |
:D |
Grin |
8) |
Sunglasses cool |
:$ |
Blush or embarrassed |
:_( |
Cry |
:* |
Kiss |
: |
:O |
Shocked |
:P |
Silly |
;) |
Wink |
(yell) |
Yell, angry |
}-] |
Devil, naughty |
O:) |
Angel, innocent |
(vomit) |
Vomit |
(pout) |
Pout |
(yawn) |
Yawn |
(bandit) |
Bandit |
<3 |
Heart |
(star) |
Star |
(boy) |
Boy |
(girl) |
Girl |
(llama) |
Llama |
(hippo) |
Hippo |
(unicorn) |
Unicorn |
(goat) |
Goat |
(popcorn) |
Popcorn |
(chair) |
Chair |
(yay) |
Yay, celebrate, congratulations |
(DTD) |
Sex |
(rainbow) |
Rainbow |
(shocked) |
Shocked baby face |
(silence) |
Silence baby face |
(sad) |
Sad baby face |
(angry) |
Angry baby face |
(lol) |
Laughing baby face |
(love) |
Love baby face with hearts in eyes |
(lovelove) |
Baby face with hearts around head |
(crying) |
Crying baby face |
(bfn) |
Big Fat Negative pregnancy test |
(bfp) |
Big Fat Positive pregnancy test |
(cheers) |
Wine glass |
(diaper) |
Dirty diaper |
(coffee) |
Coffee mug |
(boobaward) |
Breastfeeding award |
(goldenboobs) |
Breastfeeding gold award |
(goldenbottle) |
Golden bottle award |
- BBs: Breasts.
- BC: Birth Control or Because.
- BCP: Birth Control Pills.
- BBT: Basal Body Temperature.
- BD: Baby Dance (sex).
- BF or BF'ing: Breastfeeding or Boyfriend.
- BFN or BF0: Big Fat Negative (home pregnancy test result).
- BFP: Big Fat Positive (home pregnancy test result).
- Bilirubin: A substance formed when red blood cells break down and are excreted by the liver. Excess bilirubin in the blood causes jaundice.
- Bradycardia: Slowing of the heart rate.
- Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD): See chronic lung disease.
- BIO: The Nest Baby Community Bio.
- BM: Breast Milk or Bowel Movement.
- BMB: Birth Month Board.
- BOTB: Baby On The Brain.
Acronyms (General)
Acronym |
Meaning |
AF |
Aunt Flo — menstruation/period |
AP |
Attachment Parenting |
BabyCenter |
Be back later |
Basal body temperature |
Birth control pills |
BD |
Baby dance (sex) |
BF |
Breastfeed, or boyfriend |
Big fat negative (pregnancy test) |
Big fat positive (pregnancy test) |
Father-in-law |
LO |
Little one |
Laughing out loud |
MC or M/C |
Miscarriage |
Mother-in-law |
Taking Charge of Your Fertility |
Trying to conceive |
Vaginal birth after cesarean section |
Comprehensive Glossary for Pregnancy, Birth, and Parenting (Part 2)
C (continued)
- CIO: Cry it out.
- Circ.: Circumcise.
- CM: Cervical mucus.
- CWIM: See what I mean.
- CS or C/S: Cesarean section.
- CP: Cervical position.
- CBEFM: Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor.
- Colpo: Colposcopy.
- CVS: Chorionic Villae Sampling.
- DC: Daycare or Dear Child.
- D&C: Dilation and Curettage.
- D&E: Dilation and Evacuation.
- DH: Dear/Darling Husband.
- DI: Donor Insemination.
- DTD: Do the deed (sex).
- DPO: Days past ovulation.
- DS: Dear/Darling Son.
- DSD: Dear Stepdaughter.
- DSS: Dear Stepson.
- EBF: Exclusively Breastfed or Extended Breastfeeding.
- EBM: Expressed Breast Milk.
- EDD: Estimated Due Date.
- EFF: Exclusively Formula Fed.
- ENDO: Endometriosis.
- EOD: Every other day.
- EP: Exclusively Pump.
- EPT: Early Pregnancy Test.
- ETA: Edited to add or Estimated time of arrival.
- EWCM: Egg White Cervical Mucus.
- FTR: For the record.
- FTM: First Time Mom.
- FWIW: For what it's worth.
- FF: Formula Feeding or Fertility Friend (charting tool).
- FSH: Follicle Stimulating Hormone.
- FX: Fingers crossed.
- FBF: Fur Baby Friday.
- FET: Frozen Embryo Transfer.
- GTKYFB: Get To Know Your Fellow Bumpie.
- GBCB/N/K: Goodbye Cruel Bump/Nest/Knot.
- GMA: Geriatric Maternal Age.
- GP: General Practitioner.
- HCG: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (pregnancy hormone).
- H&H: Happy and Healthy (pregnancy wish).
- HOM: High Order Multiples (e.g., triplets or more).
- HPT: Home Pregnancy Test.
- HSC: Hysteroscopy.
- HSG: Hysterosalpingogram (test for uterine and fallopian tube health).
- HTH: Hope that helps.
- IC: Incompetent Cervix (also known as Cervical Insufficiency).
- IUI: Intrauterine Insemination.
- IVF: In Vitro Fertilization.
- IMHO: In My Humble Opinion.
- IRL: In Real Life.
- IYKWIM: If You Know What I Mean.
- JK: Just Kidding.
- JMHO: Just My Humble Opinion or Honest Opinion.
- KU: Knocked Up (slang for pregnancy).
- KTFU: Knocked the F* Up (informal).
- KWIM: Know What I Mean.
- L&D: Labor and Delivery.
- LO: Little One (child).
- LP: Luteal Phase.
- LPD: Luteal Phase Defect.
- LGBT: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender.
Comprehensive Glossary for Pregnancy, Birth, and Parenting (Part 3)
- MC or M/C: Miscarriage.
- MF or MFI: Male Factor Infertility.
- MM: Mother's Milk.
- ML: Maternity Leave.
- MS or M/S: Morning Sickness.
- MTHFR: A common gene mutation linked to pregnancy complications.
- MYOB: Mind Your Own Business.
- NAK: Nursing at the Keyboard.
- NBR: Not Baby Related.
- NFP: Natural Family Planning.
- NFT: No Further Text.
- NIP: Nursing in Public.
- NTD: Neural Tube Defect.
- NMS: Not My Style.
- O: Ovulation.
- OB: Obstetrician.
- OB/GYN: Obstetrician/Gynecologist.
- OP: Original Poster.
- OPK: Ovulation Predictor Kit.
- OT: Off Topic.
- OMG: Oh My Gosh (or God).
- PG: Pregnancy or Pregnant.
- POAS: Pee on a Stick (pregnancy test).
- PP: Postpartum or Previous Poster.
- PPD: Postpartum Depression.
- PROM: Premature Rupture of Membranes.
- PIP: Picture in Post.
- PITA: Pain in the Ass.
- PNV: Prenatal Vitamin.
- P4: Progesterone.
- RE: Reproductive Endocrinologist.
- RPL: Recurrent Pregnancy Loss.
- RSA: Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion.
- ROFL: Rolling on the Floor Laughing.
- SAHD: Stay-at-Home Dad.
- SAHM: Stay-at-Home Mom.
- SAHP: Stay-at-Home Parent.
- SIL: Sister-in-Law.
- SO: Significant Other.
- S/O: Speaking Of.
- Sniss: Sneeze + Pee (pregnancy symptom).
- STD: Short-Term Disability.
- TCOYF: Taking Charge of Your Fertility (book title).
- TMI: Too Much Information.
- TTC: Trying to Conceive.
- TTN: Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn.
- TIA: Thanks in Advance.
- TR: Tubal Reversal.
- TL: Tubal Ligation.
- TSH: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone.
- UC: Unassisted Childbirth.
- U/S: Ultrasound.
- UTI: Urinary Tract Infection.
- VBAC: Vaginal Birth After Cesarean.
- VR: Vasectomy Reversal.
- WAHM: Work-at-Home Mom.
- WOH: Work Out of the Home.
- WTF: What the F***.
- WTEWE: What to Expect When You're Expecting (book title).
- XP: Cross Post (posted on multiple boards).
- YGM: You've Got Mail.
- YGPM: You've Got a Private Message.
- YKWIM: You Know What I Mean.