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Meaning:The Sierra de Aitana mountain
The name Aitana is a feminine name with multiple origins and meanings. It is primarily of Basque origin, where it signifies "glory" and is associated with strength, honor, and prestige source. Additionally, Aitana has roots in Arabic and Portuguese, where it can mean "our people" and "glory," respectively source. The name is also linked to a mountain range in eastern Spain, the Sierra de Aitana, which adds a geographical and cultural dimension to its significance source.
Aitana has gained popularity in recent years, particularly in the United States, where it first appeared on the top 1,000 name chart in 2015 and has been one of the fastest-growing names source.
Famous individuals with the name Aitana include Aitana Sánchez-Gijón, a well-known Spanish actress, and Aitana Ocaña, a popular Spanish singer who gained fame through the television show "Operación Triunfo."
For sibling names that complement Aitana, consider names that share a similar cultural or phonetic style. Some suggestions include:
- For sisters: Amaya, Leire, Nerea, or Alba.
- For brothers: Iker, Ander, Gael, or Hugo.
Similar names to Aitana, which might appeal to those who like its sound or meaning, include:
- Girls: Alaina, Ariana, Ayana, or Eliana.
- Boys: Aiden, Adrian, or Ethan.
The name Aitana, with its rich cultural heritage and elegant sound, continues to be a popular choice for parents seeking a name that embodies both beauty and strength.
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