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Meaning:Daughter of Briseus; Curse, swear; Outrage
The name Briseis is of Greek origin and is primarily used for girls. It holds historical significance due to its roots in Greek mythology. Briseis was a Trojan princess, the daughter of Briseus, and is prominently featured in Homer's epic, The Iliad. She was captured by Achilles during the Trojan War and became a central figure in the conflict between Achilles and Agamemnon, which is a pivotal plot point in the story source.
The meaning of Briseis is often interpreted as "Daughter of Briseus," reflecting its patronymic nature source. Additionally, Briseis is sometimes associated with the name Hippodameia and is also the name of a type of moth source.
In terms of sibling name ideas, names that complement Briseis often share a similar mythological or classical theme. Some suggestions include:
- For sisters: Athena, Cassandra, Penelope, or Andromeda.
- For brothers: Achilles, Hector, Odysseus, or Paris.
Names similar to Briseis, which might appeal to those interested in Greek mythology or names with a historical flair, include:
- Girls: Calliope, Persephone, or Electra.
- Boys: Theseus, Perseus, or Orion.
Briseis is a name that carries a rich cultural and historical legacy, making it a unique choice for those who appreciate its mythological background and the stories associated with it.
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